Author: <span>francesca</span>
Posta de Hornillos (post)
Place where the caravans of mules, horses and oxen, which pulled carts laden with trade in the direction of Peru, refreshed and changed animals.
Local economy, Web Portfolio, Website
Creative Community Hub
Positive projects are happening all over the world as more and more people are getting together to contribute to local initiatives and re-create communities. The aim of the Creative Community Hub Directory is to offer a list of such initiatives in such a way that it is possible to find them according to category and location, as well as by association.
Local economy, Web Portfolio, Website
Get Diggin’ It!
Are you really fed up with the way the world operates and are wondering how on earth you can take action to make a difference? From our plastic food, to adulterated water and toxic air and disappearing countryside, you may well be feeling a bit defeated by now. And I don’t blame you! […]
Activism, Web Portfolio, Website
Earth Emergency – A Call to Action 2002 and 2012
An acute State of Emergency exists on Earth, imperiling its climate, its life support systems and the lives of billions of people. The related crises of environmental degradation and the destitution of a third of humanity are linked to the ever-greater concentration of economic power and worsened by a profound failure of world governance.
Motorbike Racing, Web Portfolio, Website
Racing Activity
Francesca’s motorbike racing activity and the Associazione Difesa Moto (ADM) articles and photos.